Sunday, June 7, 2009

The distance between love and hate

When I was sitting by the window, I liked turning aside and watching outside, there’s another teaching building of our school, only a corridor away. That building was for Senior 3 students, who are already on their way to the society. I could see their door easily, as their classroom was just the opposite to mine, but one stair down. I could see them clearly when they went out of their classroom. I saw them walking around, I saw them bending over the sill, I saw them hugging. I smiled, it’s good to see someone you know living in a love river. I waved to them, they saw me and then waved back. God bless you and hope you two can reach the final. It’s always painful that meeting someone you love but you can’t be together.

He’s a boy who’s growing together with me. And she’s a girl studying in the same class with him. I don’t know how they started but I can tell they had a really good memory together.

She used to ask me what food he liked and what he disliked; she used to give me a broom and let me beat him as much as I could; she used to puzzle that what kind of present she can give him and ask me for help, about 3,000 RMB; she used to tell me she wanted a trip to Japan, with him; she used to say that she wish he were a doll so that she could hold him in her arm forever; she admitted she loved him.

He was thankful. He said he was thankful that she told him to study hard and not to sleep in class; he said he was thankful that she sent messages to him when he had nothing to do, even if there were only some funny emoticons; he said he was thankful that when she was not happy, the first one she could think of was him; he said he was thankful that she kept saying“good night” to him every day; he said he was thankful that she sang to him every song she liked; he said he was thankful that she told him about her future, even if some was ridiculous; he said he was thankful that she told him she was thankful too and she cared about him; he said he was thankful that she told him she wanted to be with him.

What a romantic story.

When just 3 days before the College Entrance Examination,she sent me a message that she broke up with him, and she hated him. She said he was a cheat. She quarreled with him sometimes, but he paid no attention to it. She found he had a special relationship with another girl. She cried and was very painful I can tell. What happened…Is it so easy from loving a person to hating a person? How…so quickly with no sign for me. I could hardly imagine that. I could remember her lovely smile when he was next to her. Now, it’s gone.

When I was still confusing, she contacted me again the day after that day. She said she was a little regret, she was so emotional that she lost her temper that day. She said she still cared about him. And she wanted me to make a phone call to him to let him relax and give some instructions of the exam, she doesn’t want him hear her voice. Yes, maybe when she calmed down, she realized something she had lost. She thought she could forget him but she failed. She wanted him to be happy and helped him silently. I won’t make any predictions about them, I just hope the ones who loved can be together.

Hope both of them do their best at the biggest exam, today and tomorrow.

-For Cui and Hou